KVEST 3D with 7
高爾夫球 (Golf)1. Kinematic Sequence
Measures Pelvis, Torso and Hand rotational speed from setup, top, impact to finish. 2. Bio-feedback Training Drills Over 150 drills to choose from, with detailed categorization and video for education. 3. Certification Level One Level Two |
體能 (Fitness)1. Fitness Training
Design drills to match desired muscle engagement and movements. 2. Bio-feedback Training Drills Over 150 drills to choose from, with detailed categorization and video for education. 3. Certification Level One Level Two |
醫療(Medical)1. Functional Movement
Assess functional movement patterns to better help athletes and golfers. 2. Bio-feedback Training Drills Over 150 drills to choose from, with detailed categorization and video for education. 3. Certification Level One Level Two |